Time to get back outside and reconnect-Paradise Valley Star Gazing

As with many people today, I have become very burnt out on the constant bombardment of news, stories and information. This love-hate relationship with technology and its current intertwining with my life, livelihood and links to current and past relationships is a hard path to follow that I constantly struggle with.
From the need to feel connected by reading what is going on in the world, with my clients, my friends, and now with "virtual" friends -- to the desire to be disconnected from everything and reconnect with nature becomes more and more intense each day. A tiny computer called a phone now goes with me everywhere I go, allowing me more connection and communication than ever before, yet I find myself feeling even more disconnected using it less and less. Preferring instead to shut everything down, and by disconnecting…actually reconnecting.
This is part of the cycle in which most artists participate by immersing themselves in society, then relinquishing this connection to search for isolation and silence in order to tap into the source. The place of creation that, in turn, communicates back with the masses in order to remind ourselves of the power of being in the moment to recognize all that is around us.
I am lucky in that I have found a place in which I can achieve all of these things through the process of landscape photography. Where silence, solitude, creativity and connection are achieved by searching, waiting, watching and receiving. When I am isolated and connected with the source, open to what is given, I no longer "take" photos, but am "given" them, and for this I am truly grateful.
"The Light Above Paradise" near the Yellowstone River, Emmigrant, MT
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Also in News
A gift from the past...
December 23, 2024
A gift from the past...New print release!
Was just going through some of my older files to get a large print made for a client of "Fairy Lake" from 2006. While digging through the files, I found a little Christmas present to myself....a hidden folder of some images I had completely forgot about! It included this panorama of one of my favorite places in the Northern Bridgers, the "Flathead Pass Ranger Station".
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!
"Flathead Pass Ranger Station"
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Christmas order deadlines:
December 04, 2024
-Local orders can be placed and picked up through Dec. 23rd.
I will be closed from Dec. 24th through January 6th.
In stock framed prints will can be shipped out in 1-2 days from order date, and will ship up to Dec. 17th or 18th depending on location. Local orders can be placed and picked up through Dec. 23rd.
All new framed print production orders must be in by December 5th to ensure delivery by Christmas. (orders may still be placed, but may not arrive in time) For orders that will not arrive by Christmas, I will send you a 8.5x11 pdf printout with a sample of the photo to give as a gift before the print arrives. (see below sample)
Questions? Check the FAQ page, then shoot me an E-Mail or call my office at 406-522-7798
(I rarely answer the phone these days, but leave a message or text, and I will call you back)
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Book reading at the Spokane Library, and a few new signed books are now available!
November 08, 2024
Earlier this summer I did one last book reading and signing at the Spokane Public Library with Shann to promote our collaborative award winning book "Montana Panoramic - Transparent in the Backlight". Thank you to all those who came out!
From that event, Shann and I both signed 14 books to offer as fund raising donations and for our best supporters. I now have 8 of those double signed books available for purchase now until out of stock.
A lovely day in Spokane
Reading at the Library
Only a few custom signed books by both of us remain...Get yours here!
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